We have qualified ourselves to participate in various PPP opportunities. We can arrange for our clients to participate directly with the trade platforms or through us an entry point. Each program will always be different in requirements and returns. Outlined below are some general offerings that we have access to.
Small Cap Program
Minimum $100K
For beginners in the PPP sector, this program functions as a pathway or a tester program. Funds are allocated as a loan note and are traded via a major UK Bank.
Duration: 12 Months
Fixed Interest Rate: 4- 6.5% Monthly.
First Interest Paid after 3 Months (so 3 months accrued)
Then Monthly until end of term.
Capital Insured from onset.
Funds to be transferred to Trading Platform account.
Medium Cap Program
Minimum $10M
For the more seasoned investor. Clients that hold funds in top 100 World Banks can access this program. (If client does not hold funds in a top 100 Bank we can work with client if they are willing to move funds to our custodial account.)
Duration: 40 Weeks
MT799/MT760 Blocked Funds. (Funds do not move from clients account)
Possible Admin Hold only depending on bank & jurisdiction.
Bullet Program most likely at beginning of trade.
Net Weekly return +20%
Large Cap Program
Minimum $100M
The ultimate entry point. Top 100 World Banks with no movement of funds. Priority on boarding of right clients. Suitable for large scale project funding.
Duration: 40 Weeks
MT799/MT760 Blocked Fund. (Funds do not move from Investors account)
300% Compounded Bullet Trade. ($100m fund will accumulate to $900m before going into 40 week program)
Net Weekly return between 65%-80%.
Other instruments considered such MTNs, SBLCs and Bankers drafts.
*Please note all offerings on this page are 'general' specific and direct offers will be made to the client upon qualification.
* This is not a solicitation of any offer of services.
* Services not available for retail clients or non qualified investors.